• Profile photo of sherise

      sherise posted an update

      3 weeks ago

      “Imagine being bit by a snake and instead of trying to help yourself heal & recover from the poison, you are trying to
      catch the snake to find out
      the reason it bit you and
      prove to it that you didn’t deserve that.”‘ 🤔

      Enchante, Debbie and Alexis KG
      • Debbie (edited)

        So let’s say we are using a snake 🐍 metaphorically speaking for a person really..I would heal of course but it will depend on the situation I suppose…was it a 🐍/ person that they trusted or was that snake pretending to be something it truly wasn’t who knows why ppl do what they do..sounds like to me that they trusted the snake ..snakes will never change they will sit quietly and watch for the most vulnerable prey most times because they are easily taken down mentally or whatever the case may be..we are all different but sounds to me that this person trusted this snake and wanted answers…there are wolf’s in sheeps clothing everywhere…but healing is necessary….when ppl show you who they are trust and believe them..sometimes it’s not about proving you didn’t deserve it…sometimes it’s the trust and safety you have felt in that snake/person/ wolf in sheeps clothing and the hurt that not the bit but what it did that hurt…idk of this makes sense but this is my perspective

        • Certainty sounds like a trauma triggered reaction with irrational expectations indeed.
