Enchante posted an update
“The Gifts We Locked Away As Little Girls “
A lot of women made terrible vows years ago before they understood the nature of stagnated energy. As young women some of us were starved of encouragement, affection and unconditional support from the adults around us, and so this filled us with sorrow and resignation, we put down our 🎨 paint brushes, our ✍️ ink pens, muted our words, singing voices and vowed never to touch them again. Such a life becomes more of a dungeon of ashes.
A woman’s life can waste away in the fire of self harm and locked away gifts linked to her talents if they go unshared. She will spend many years in not doing, not moving, not becoming, not learning, not developing, not going and not obtaining her full potential.
Wisdom from the Lotus Flower 🪷:
She must awaken and see the vision for her own life. She must release the decimated flames of someone else’s jealousy or destructiveness towards her. For family, mentors, teachers and friends are not supposed to be destructive if they feel envy. She must see her highest self in alignment with peace of mind and reach for that self daily.
Choyce, Chantel and 2 others-
Beautiful 🌺