Kenya posted an update
H E A L E R S . . .
We are entering into a new moon and solar eclipse this week, with an emphasis on setting intentions around our relationships, love and intimacy. What do you long for in your relationships? What/who needs to be released, resolved and healed? What are you calling in that you need/want? How can you love on yourself in the ways you love on everyone around you?
Let’s be clear, honest, and transparent with ourselves (also the universe) so we can begin to usher in the abundance, healing, connection, and love that is ours?
Erica and Melissa-
My wife and are recently reconnecting after a lengthy separation. The love and chemistry is definitely still there but hasn’t led to any full on intimacy. I think we both are very much still attracted to each other and long for that but maybe we are scared to just “do it” based on familiarity. I have to remind myself that I’m still desirable but it’s hard not to feel rejection in the midst of it all. It’s hard not to question if she still wants me in that way. As we work on healing our relationship and our marriage I’ve found myself having to push those urges for intimacy aside and not let the absence of it tarnish the process. I have to remember that in due time things will naturally progress. Trusting the process is sometimes the hardest part of your healing journey. 🙏🏽🌹
2 -
Returning to a romantic connection can be a loaded experience. Old feelings and hurt from the past arise. Anxiety and worry for what it could be creeps in. The healing and reconciliation happens in each moment. Breathe through what comes up, extend your self and your wife grace, and surrender to the process. Im sure there is much for you two to gather from this time of reconnect. Allow the space for it to be what it is supposed to be 🤲🏽